5 ways to prepare your bedroom for Spring

04 March 2020 | 1 Minute Read - Words By Joanne
Bring your bedroom in line with the season with our handy tips. Clear out the clutter, freshen up with some flowers and trade textures to achieve the perfect spring bedroom... Daisy Duvet Set 1. Clear out clutter There’s no better way to prepare for the new season than a thorough...

Bring your bedroom in line with the season with our handy tips.

Clear out the clutter, freshen up with some flowers and trade textures to achieve the perfect spring bedroom...

Belledorm Daisy Duvet Set
Daisy Duvet Set

1. Clear out clutter

There’s no better way to prepare for the new season than a thorough spring clean. Warmer weather makes opening windows and airing upholstery, if you’ll forgive the pun, a breeze. Why not step spring sprucing up a gear by getting rid of your unwanted items and letting your bedroom breathe?

2. Freshen up with flowers

Spring is the season of new life and a great excuse to introduce flora to your décor. If you’re not the most green-fingered of interior designers, you can always pick up a plant suitable for a life indoors. English ivy is a great example of a houseplant that can even aid your sleep. The evergreen plant has been proven to help clean air and even thrives in lower temperatures.

3. Rearrange furniture

An annual bedroom overhaul could work out rather expensive. Instead of wholesale changes to your boudoir why not try rearranging your existing furniture. Is a wardrobe blocking the Spring sunshine from filling your room? Perhaps moving a mirror could reflect light to make things look brighter. If you’ve managed a thorough declutter, you’ll have even more room to shift your favourite pieces.

4. Try out new textures

The materials used in your bedroom can transform it from a hibernation hub suitable for winter to a fresh spring space. Ditch heavy velvets and shaggy rugs for lighter fabrics better suited to warmer temperatures. Linen headboards and cotton pillowcases will keep things cool without compromising comfort. Your number one material concern should be your duvet. Make sure you’ve changed yours to a lower tog to keep your body temperature cool and enjoy a restful night’s sleep.

5. Add colour

There are a few quick wins out there if you’re looking to transform your bedroom on a budget. Swapping dark throws, rugs and pillowcases with pastel shades will achieve a brighter space without the costs involved with a serious overhaul. And don’t stop there – injecting colour through curtains, bedding and plants can add a sense of space that your cosy winter retreat might have struggled to achieve. Just remember to pick your colours carefully.

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