How Often Should You Change Your Mattress?

28 June 2022 | 6 Minute Read - Words By Joanne
Find Out How Often You Should Be Changing Your Mattress

Table of Contents

  1. The Lifespan Of A Mattress
  2. Why Replace A Mattress?
  3. Signs That Your Mattress Needs Replacing
  4. Types Of Mattress
  5. Factors Influencing Mattress Lifespan
  6. Tips For Improving Mattress Lifespan
  7. The Benefits Of A New Mattress
  8. Get The Best Night's Sleep With Belledorm
  9. Final Thoughts

Getting a good night's sleep is imperative to our mental and physical well-being, but when your mattress begins to show signs of giving up the ghost, it can greatly affect your sleep quality.

And we all know how important sleep is to human health, allowing us to rejuvenate and even helping our brain to adequately process.

How often you should change your mattress is an important consideration and in this article we will answer this very question, alongside what type of mattresses you might want to consider upgrading to, as well as the benefits of a brand new mattress.

Let's get started!


The Lifespan Of A Mattress

Generally speaking, a mattress has a lifespan of around 8 years, so if yours is older than this, it's likely time to replace your mattress. However, the type of mattress you purchase can have a direct impact on how long it will last, as well as the quality.

Although usually more expensive, a good quality mattress will last longer than a cheaper one.

In terms of money, you can't put a price on a good night's sleep, so always try and purchase the highest quality mattress you can afford. It's a great investment and will likely last you beyond the average lifespan of 8 years.

But, how do you know when your mattress needs to be replaced? Next, we will discuss the key signs that will tell you that it's time for a change.

Why Replace A Mattress?

The primary reason why you would want to change your mattress is comfort. When a mattress starts to lose its shape, it begins to sag, causing all sorts of uncomfortable lumps and bumps, which can lead to a decrease in the quality of your sleep.

While we all know how important getting a solid 8 hours of sleep each night, you may not know that lack of sleep can increase the risk of developing kidney and heart disease as well as diabetes.

If your mattress is in any way affecting your sleep patterns, we strongly suggest you replace your mattress so you can begin to feel the full benefits of a good night's sleep once again.

Signs That Your Mattress Needs Replacing

There are a variety of things to look out for that may indicate that your mattress is not fit for purpose. Some of these include:

  • General wear and tear: Look for sagging and bumps in your mattress, as well as any easily felt coils or springs.

  • Noisy or protruding springs: Springs that squeak are not only annoying and likely to keep you up or wake you up as you turn over, but they also indicate that the mattress is no longer able to provide the support that your body needs.

  • Muscle stiffness or pain when you awaken: If you feel discomfort or general pain when you wake up in the morning, it's a good indicator that you may need to replace your mattress. This could help alleviate neck and back pain and allow you to sleep more soundly.

  • Allergies become worse: It's a fact that, inevitably, dust mites live in your home and there are few other places where these pesky little beasts thrive than in an old mattress. If you find your allergies or asthma getting worse, it could be a sign that you need a change of mattress if thoroughly cleaning and vacuuming your mattress doesn't help over a short period of time.

  • Sleeping better in another bed: If you sleep much better in another bed, whether it be at a friend's house or in a hotel, for example, you may have grown accustomed to an uncomfortable mattress at home which will need to be remedied.

  • You notice your partner changing position: If you notice your partner moving in the night, it tends to mean that the mattress has lost its ability to keep motion transfer to a minimum, in which case this can be extremely unhelpful in getting adequate sleep each night.

  • Increased weight: If you have gained body weight or have someone sleeping in the same bed as you, this additional weight can really affect how well supported you are.


Types Of Mattress

Which type of mattress you choose can have a massive impact on how often you will need to purchase a replacement.


Traditional innerspring mattresses utilise coils so that the person's body weight will be spread throughout the entirety of the mattress. An innerspring mattress can last an impressive 10 years - or more if it is double-sided because it can be flipped intermittently so that both sides can be used.

Memory foam

A memory foam mattress will require regular rotating as well as proper care. But, when they are well-maintained, memory foam mattresses, depending on the quality and the materials used, can last for up to 15 years.


There are two types of latex mattresses; synthetic and organic latex, with some on the higher end of the price scale having guarantees for over 15 years. While a latex mattress is more expensive, they are very popular among those who don't want to have to replace their mattresses as often.


Hybrid mattresses encompass both innerspring and foam, with a coil support system being sandwiched between two layers of foam. Hybrid mattresses don't tend to last as long as some other forms of mattress - sometimes only lasting 6 years - but this largely depends on the grade of the coil springs in the hybrid mattress, as well as the foam quality.


A pillow-top mattress is essentially a regular mattress with a topper which adds an extra layer of comfort. The extra layer won't stop the mattress from deteriorating and can break down over time to leave an uneven and uncomfortable layer to sleep on.

Factors Influencing Mattress Lifespan

As we have mentioned, there are some key factors to consider that will impact what type of mattress replacement you might want to consider. Below, we'll delve into these in more detail.

Mattress material

What materials your mattress is made from will have an impact on its durability. Quality is key here, as we stated in the last section. Cheap foam mattresses or innerspring will not last for a great amount of time as they are prone to sagging and body impressions are created, which means there will be sizable indents on the mattress.

Maintenance & care

Cleaning your mattress regularly will go a long way in keeping it in great shape, meaning it should last that bit longer. Although a somewhat bothersome task, you should aim to turn your mattress every 3 months as well as consider a mattress protector.

Sleeper size & weight

The weight of you - and anyone you share a bed with - will affect how long the mattress lasts. Those who weigh slightly more can find that the mattress will lose its shape quicker than someone lighter. By the same thread, couples will also find that their bed does not last quite as long due to the weight of two people sharing the bed.

Children & pets

If your kids sleep in bed with you regularly, this will also have an effect on the lifespan of most mattresses and so you may find it necessary to replace it more often, not only due to the additional weight but because kids (and pets) are more likely to cause stains and damage.


Tips For Improving Mattress Lifespan

Thankfully, there are some things you can do to prolong the life of your mattress. Some of the best suggestions we have listed below.

  • A mattress protector is a great option for providing your mattress with extra protection from dirt, dust, spills and stains.

  • Make sure to turn your existing mattress at least every 3 months, which will allow it to stay in optimum shape.

  • Adopt a regular mattress cleaning routine but always make sure that you clean according to the directions given by the mattress manufacturer.

  • Allow adequate and regular ventilation into your bedroom or anywhere else where you have a mattress. This is a great way to prevent the build-up of moisture and can reduce dust.

  • If you are moving house, it's important that any mattresses are stored upright. This will help prevent any damage to the springs and avoid creasing.

  • While pets might love to get into bed with you, keeping them away from your bed will stop any damage caused by chewing or clawing.

  • Little damages a mattress quicker than children treating it as a trampoline! Although it's sometimes easier said than done, try to keep children from doing this as it can have a terrible effect on any springs.

  • When you are changing your sheets, take off the old ones and put your feet up for an hour or two before replacing them with clean, crisp ones. This allows the mattress to air.

  • Use baking soda to keep mattresses fresh and free from moisture and any nasty smells. If possible, you should sprinkle enough over the entirety of the mattress and ideally wait 24 hours before vacuuming it.

The Benefits Of A New Mattress

Purchasing a brand new mattress is a potentially costly investment, so is it really worth it?

The answer is an unequivocal yes. When you replace your mattress with a new one you will straight away notice a difference to your quality of sleep and find that your energy levels have increased in just a matter of days. Great sleep is also a great mood booster, too!

Here are some other benefits to replacing your older mattress:

Reduced discomfort

With the support of a new mattress, you'll find that niggling aches and pains can largely disappear. This is because your spine will be properly aligned which will allow you better sleep quality.

Less motion transfer

With new mattresses you are much less likely to have your sleep interrupted by your sleeping partner when they move in bed. This is because new mattresses will transfer less motion so you won't notice even the smallest of movements from your other half.

Reduced allergies/asthma

Older mattresses are a breeding ground for mould and bacteria, not to mention dust mites that can multiply at an alarming rate. Purchasing a new mattress can go a long way in helping limit the unpleasant effects of allergies and asthma.

Get The Best Night's Sleep With Belledorm

At Belledorm, we have everything you need to make getting into bed a luxurious experience. Discover our range of all-things bed related, from cushions and bedspreads to duvets and pillowcases and experience sleep quality like you never have before!

Final Thoughts

A new mattress is an excellent investment if you want not only improved sleep, fewer dust mites, better spinal alignment, and so much more.

When choosing a mattress size in the UK, it's crucial to consider your preferences and the available space in your bedroom. While the average mattress will last for roughly 8 years, if you replace your mattress with one made from higher quality materials, you could potentially see your new purchase last for upward of 10 years. Happy Slumbers!

Happy Slumbers!

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