Why is sleep vital for kids returning to school?

02 September 2020 | 1 Minute Read - Words By Joanne
Help your kids score top marks with a little help from their bedtime habits.

From boosting memory to improving energy levels, we take a look at the many ways a good night’s sleep can benefit your kids in the classroom.


It boosts planning and problem-solving skills

A lack of sleep can temporarily weaken the frontal lobe of the brain, the area used for problem-solving, organising and thinking – all essential during a typical school day. This could mean even little things like keeping their socks pulled up and keeping track of stationary become much bigger issues. A good night’s rest will ensure your little ones can concentrate on the more important problems they should be solving.

It improves focus and attention

When people are sleep-deprived, their brain waves lapse into sleep-like patterns while they’re awake. These lapses prevent children from concentrating at school and can distract them from their work. Sending your little one to bed earlier could help them avoid careless mistakes and to focus on instructions from their teachers.

It replenishes energy levels

Whether your kids have sports day on the horizon, or a day sat behind a desk, they’ll need as much energy as possible to give it their all. The NHS recommends five-year-olds get 11 hours of sleep while 14-year-olds need nine hours of rest to wake up ready for the day ahead. Interestingly, sleep satisfaction is also linked to our energy levels, so it’s important that you create the perfect sleep sanctuary in your kids’ bedrooms too.

It improves mood and behaviour

All parents know that kids can wake up in a bad mood, especially when they haven’t had enough sleep. Ensuring your little one gets their recommended amount of shut eye will help them stay calm when they might otherwise lose their temper. Turning off that tablet a few hours before bed and sticking to a routine could prevent your child from sitting on the naughty step or falling out with a classmate.

It boosts memory

It’s more difficult for a sleep-deprived brain to focus, which also affects our ability to recall information. Struggling to remember long-term memories could lead to your child taking longer to complete their work and falling behind the rest of their class. Our 5 ways to help kids stick to their bedtime should help to give children the best chance of applying what they’ve learned earlier in their school career.

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